Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I homeschool because...

"If you train your children carefully until they are seven years old, they are already three-quarters educated."~unknown

“There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

“What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children's growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn't a school at all.” ~ John Holt

**This is all my own opinion. My strong, strong strong, own opinion. ;) I do not look down upon anyone who chooses to homeschool differently than us, or who choose to public school.**

With that said....ONWARD! 

To homeschool your child is a choice. To put your child in public school is also a choice. Neither one is the right way, or the wrong way. The right way is to do whatever works for your family best. The right way is to put your child where they will blossom and grow to their fullest potential. God gave you your children for you and only you to raise. He gave you your children because he knows you will make the best decision possible for your child. As a mother, I have watched my children grow from the tiniest little humans, to fun, adventurous, smart individuals who love the world around them. I have watched them take their first steps, read their first word, and I have watched my oldest smile with tears because he had finally aced his multiplication test that he worked so hard for. Watching my children hit milestones and learn something they never knew they could learn, is honestly one of the best gifts a mother could ever receive. Now on to the opinionated junk.I get asked all the time why I homeschool. I also receive unwanted "advice" on why I should put my children in public school. Children need structure they say..Children need to socialize with other children..Children need to learn what other children are learning so they don't get "behind"...I think your child will be much happier if he was in a public school setting..or my ultimate fave, but you're not even a teacher!!....*scoff*What is structure? What are you referring to when you say, my child needs structure? There are many forms of "structure". Physical, chemical, biological and social are a few. So what does it even mean that "children need structure?" I'll go out on a limb and assume you are talking about social structure. My other all time debate favorite. My assumption will also cover the "children need to socialize with other children" advice.   *Dear God, here we go..* .....That's what you're thinking isn't it? :)Again, my opinions.Children do not get the socialization in a public school like people think they do. How is sitting at a desk for 6-8 hours with your heads down and no talking allowed a good form of socialization? Okay, so they get to talk to their friends at recess for 10 mins and maybe in Phy-Ed class. They might get to quick spout out "Hey Frankie guess what! My dog got her hairs cut this weekend and my cousin pooped on the sidewalk and it clung to his butt as he was trying to shake it loose!" before the teacher yells at them to be quiet..NO TALKING!! (oh, and that really did happen this weekend, sweet example huh?) Lunchrooms have become a no talk zone even. Socialization doesn't just have to be talking to children your own age. We go out into the public ( gasp!) almost every day if not every evening and my children socialize not only with other children, but also with adults. I have plenty of neighbor kids who like to play at the house with Peyton and seriously, not one of them can look me in the eyes when I talk to them. Or, they just flat out avoid me all together. (do I smell?) hmmm..that's awesome socialization skills they obviously do not have. It's not their fault, they are told to shut up everyday in class.So don't tell me my child needs to attend a public school so he can socialize. Remember, NO TALKING IN CLASS!! EVER!!!"Your children need to go to public school so they don't get behind the other kids." Ok, either you are telling me i'm stupid and I can't teach my child to "wead" or, you simply don't pay attention on how many kids are actually behind in a public school. I believe this has nothing to do with the child's intelligence. I truly believe it is because of the lack of one on one with each student. No child learns the same. Teaching as a whole is not going to work for every single child. Each child has different strengths and weaknesses in learning different subjects. One might be an A+ student in math, and a D student (me) in history. Or an A+ student in English (not me, can you tell?), and failing math because they were never given the one on one or the time, to learn basic math concepts. Or the one on one to learn how to read. Peyton was reading at a first grade level maybe, in second grade when I pulled him to homeschool. He now reads at a 6th grade level in 4th grade. Peyton was doing Algerbra in the beginning of 3rd grade homeschool, when in the middle of 2nd grade at public, he could barely add 6+7. Don't tell me my child needs to go to public school so he won't get behind the other children in school. Don't tell me I need a teaching degree to teach my child. And seriously, do not tell me my child will be happier in a public school setting when he would come home crying every day after school because he had to miss recess again because he didn't understand his math work for the day. Or he would come home crying because he was so hungry and thirsty. Or because some kids were picking on him when he was trying to go to the bathroom. Or when the teacher singled him out for not being able to read at the "appropriate" grade level. Don't tell me my child isn't happy at home when he gets to sleep just a little bit longer, gets a full breakfast, gets to play with his brothers and form relationships with them that will last forever, gets to play outside and not be stuck in a brick and mortar for 8 hours a day, gets to go on spontaneous field trips, gets to learn how to socialize with people of all ages, gets to paint, color, get dirty, poop in peace, and mostly, learn to love learning..He hated school in public school. It was a chore, and it sucked the life out of him. Not to mention the hours of homework after he just got home from 8 hours of "learning." Now, I get to spend every waking freakin moment with that kid...and from the bottom of my heart, I wouldn't have it any other way. People get excited when its back to school time. Hell yes! I get the day to myself again!! Well me, I get excited to see my child learn. To see them grow, and to see that light bulb switch on (eureka!) when he has finally figured out how to solve for "x" or learn that learning can be fun. I homeschool because it is right for my family. I homeschool because the public school system as a whole sucks. (gasp AND scoff!) I homeschool because I can and because they are my children. Don't tell me what to do damnit!! ;)

*I do with them what I want! Son!*

Wiener Wishes,The crazy homeschool mom who probably has horrible grammar..and spelling..you should have seen all the spell check I did!! (psst! I went to public school!) ;) ;)

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